Matrix Reimprinting is an advanced approach to major personal transformation. It takes the already powerful technique of EFT and brings new tools and possibilities to this transformational work. EFT accesses the "stuck energy" of old traumatic memories and helps process the experiences, so that they are no longer distressing. Matrix Reimprinting takes this all one step further. Rather than just soothing the original event, Matrix Reimprinting actually brings new resources to the event, by transforming the event until it becomes an internal positive resource.
Studies into traumatic events show that an event is experienced as traumatic when you feel isolated, overwhelmed and helpless. Your unconscious mind then becomes hyper-vigilant in its attempts to avoid ever feeling that bad again. While it's intentions are good, it is an outdated system from prehistoric times, where every day was potentially a life or death experience.
What happens is that when anything reminds you of that original painful experience, the unconscious thinks it's potentially happening again. It then responds as if that same event is happening in this present moment. The Unconscious mind will then do everything in its power to avoid these original overwhelming feelings. Another strategy it will try is to numb you with food or drugs or a variety of dysfunctional behaviors in order to cope what it thinks is real and overwhelming.
Thus if you had a parent who had dark black hair, who abused you in a variety of ways, you may get all flustered when you have an important job interview, and the interviewer just happens to have the same colored hair as your parent. Bruce Lipton, a top research scientist, estimates that up to 80% of our day to day behavior is actually run by our unconscious programming. Thus it is crucial to clear the traumatic events that are underlying your irrational beliefs. If you have unconscious beliefs such as "I'm no good" "I don't deserve to succeed" or "I have to be perfect in order to be loved" you can’t just have a positive conscious attitude. No matter how how much you consciously desire and affirm success, your unconscious memories, which are really running the show, have to be transformed. Once you transform your transform your unconscious memories, you’ll find yourself with more creativity, vitality and joy in your life.
With Matrix Reimprinting, we go back to memories that you “wish hadn’t happened” and transform the perceptions of these negative events. The truth is, that traumatic event is all in the past. It no longer exists! But your unconscious doesn't know that and you can't ever logically convince it otherwise, because it’s in such a state of fear and overwhelm. That’s why a doctor can know all the reasons why he shouldn't smoke, and still go through a pack of cigarettes a day. We have to address the unconscious emotional mind that is actually driving the behavior.
The brilliance of this approach is that it directly accesses the emotionally driven Lymbic System, where these memories are still stirring up terror and avoidance. Matrix Reimprinting brings new resources to your younger self and helps it to find a positive resolution. This new experience then becomes a resource state that you can draw upon.
Before, anytime you came across a new event that reminds you of a previous painful memory, you would unconsciously want to avoid the overwhelming feelings that this event creates. After you've worked with Matrix Reimprinting, the same fearful event, whether giving a speech, going on a date, or asking for a raise, automatically calls forth new resourceful states. You can now naturally experience enthusiasm, hope, ease and confidence even in really challenging situations.
Sometimes your “bad memories” stem from a major trauma, yet sometimes it can be due to something seemingly insignificant. What's most important in determining whether an old memory triggers dysfunctional behaviors, is your actual perception of the event.
While one person's fear of public speaking may be due to having been severely beaten for "talking back" to his father, another person's inability to give a talk may be due to some small event that they hardly remember, like forgetting your line in the school play when you were only ten. What's important is that Matrix Reimprinting skillfully gets to the roots of the problem and heals and transforms these events. Once cleared you begin to feel more and more ease and possibilities in every area of your life.
Let me give you 2 quick examples:
I worked with a man who had a severe fear of heights for the past 40 years. Using Matrix Reimprinting, I helped him go back to the original event that had provoked this terror. He had no idea consciously what could have caused this fear. We discovered that as a young boy he had been quite adventurous. One day, he climbed a tall young tree in his backyard. When he got to the top, the tree began to actually tip from his weight, and he had to hold on for dear life. The fire truck had to be called to bring him down. He felt humiliated and inadequate. While he had blocked this memory from his conscious mind, it had been affecting his behaviors ever since.
John learned from this experience that he couldn't trust himself. This irrational belief was still running him in a variety of ways in his adult life. By using Tapping to bring love & support and resources into the original scene and then transforming this image, he was able to forgive himself and shift to the new belief that "I have a wonderful sense of adventure and I am safe to explore." Imagine what a huge difference this new belief is making in his life! And, after only one 90 minute session, he no longer has a problem with heights! He reported to me that after our session, he went on a hike with his wife, and he had to cross a metal lattice bridge, where you could see the drop to over 40 feet below. His wife turned around to check on him, and called out in concern, "Are you alright, honey?" to which he replied, "I'm fine, I'm great, I've never been better in my life" as he looked over the bridge with a big grin. He was now able to concentrate on the beautiful view instead of his fear of heights.
Sometimes, when we have had a very traumatic childhood, there are a number of issues that need to be addressed. In this situation it may take several months, or even longer to work through the different issues. However, you begin to see progress immediately. This was true with one of my clients that I'll call Shirley.
This woman had an extremely dysfunctional childhood, with sexual and emotional abuse. She had low self-esteem, compulsive eating, clutter, anxiety, perfectionism, procrastination and self-sabotage. She was working in a job she didn't enjoy, hated her boss, and felt she had few options. After working with her using Matrix Reimprinting and some advanced inner parts work, she now feels comfortable around food, is developing a new fulfilling career, and wakes up happy and eager to enjoy the day!
Please feel free to contact me and discover how EFT & Matrix Reimprinting can transform any limiting beliefs and behaviors that may be holding you back in your life.
Matrix Reimprinting helps you get past your fears
so you can live your dreams!