"Creative Voice Dialogues" (CVD) is a simple, effective approach that helps you access and transform your hidden, subconscious voices that are sabotaging you and criticizing you unmercifully, no matter what you do! Sometimes you must wonder how you can possibly mediate between all your conflicted Sub-Personalities, with all their very different voices and desires?
"Creative Voice Dialogues" teaches you an easy to follow, step by step process that allows your mean, scared and angry parts, to be acknowledged and then transformed. When your individual parts are fighting each other, it drains your energy and leads to behaviors you don't want. But these parts can learn to stop sabotaging you and work more cooperatively with you. In fact, through this process, they can even learn to encourage you! Wouldn't that be a relief! Once processed and transformed, these inner voices can learn to work together more effectively as a team, allowing you to manifest greater ease, harmony, and happiness in your life.
Many people are unaware how exhausting it is, to have subconscious parts all warring with each other. For example, two parts may keep pulling you in different directions, so that you're unable to make an important decision. There can be a part of you that so fears success, that it "sabotages" you, making you arrive late to an important interview.
Perhaps you make a serious commitment to eating in a healthier way, yet find yourself at midnight, somehow stuffing yourself with salty snacks or sugary treats, as if some other part had "taken over." These struggling parts drain your life force, disturbing you physically, emotionally, and even spiritually.
I developed "Creative Voice Dialogues" because I had to learn how to transform my own mean "Inner Critic." The things it would say to me, were completely demoralizing! I knew what it would say, wasn't true logically. They had little to do with the life I had created for myself. But it seemed to know just what to say to completely knock me off my feet. It seems to know just what buttons to push...where I felt most vulnerable. Now that I have transformed my inner parts, I want to help you how to intervene, and change your story into one that ends happily.
"Creative Voice Dialogues" combines the powerful approaches of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) An advanced form of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Internal Family Systems (IFS), and Somatic Expressive Art Therapy. I can help you learn how to dialogue more skillfully with your internal conflicted parts. By negotiating more healthier dialogues, your different sub-personalities learn to work more effectively as a team, creating WIN/WIN solutions.
As an Ericksonian Hypnotherapist, I am specially trained to creatively negotiate more cooperative behaviors between your conscious and subconscious minds. Wouldn't you like to learn how to stop this criticism and procrastination? IT CAN BE DONE! As we explore, you will be amazed how you can learn to access and talk with your parts in more helpful ways, until this becomes a more natural part of your life.
You won't believe the difference! Instead of having hostile voices terrifying you with your worst fears, sabotaging you and blocking you from moving ahead, you'll learn how to have encouraging voices that support you in authentic and meaningful ways. This is a skill that will support you in every area of your life.
No matter how many affirmations you repeat, or how many vision boards you create, if you're not clearing out your old subconscious limiting beliefs, and dialoguing with your parts, you're bound to sabotage and procrastinate, rather than being able to follow through. I've seen it with hundreds and hundreds of clients. It's time to celebrate and share your gifts with the world. There are people who are eager to hear from you!!!
This liberating work creates space for greater vitality, clarity and joy to flow into your life. Many people find guidance to problems naturally arising, as these different parts work more harmoniously together. People report a greater lightness and freedom, as they move forward toward their goals with much less friction, and a much greater sense of ease.
Why do I need to work with my Sub-Personalities?
We enter this world complete and whole. Over time, however, due to perceived or real threats, we split off parts of ourselves. These parts remain isolated, with unresolved emotional charge, draining our vital energy. When parts feel threatened, they can take over the main personality, reacting with fear, anger, shame, depression, or addiction. The problem is, these inner parts want to help, but they have rather out-dated ideas about how to respond skillfully and effectively. During an Creative Voice Dialogues session, all the parts are invited to come together and find ways to work more cooperatively as a team, so that your most important goals, personal and professional, can be more gracefully achieved.
What Can "Creative Voice Dialogues" Accomplish? "Creative Voice Dialogues" (CVD) brings together some of the most effective transformational techniques available, including Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Matrix Reimprinting (MR) Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Mindfulness Techniques to help you:
* Identify the Internal Personalities That Are Causing Your Problems * Begin to Recognize When a Sub-Personality is “taking over” * Compassionately Witness & Acknowledge All Your Parts * Support the Creation of Healthier Priorities and Goals * Transform Your Inner Critic into a Helpful Discerning Guide * And Heal and Release Old Traumas in a Safe and Effective Way
How can "Creative Voice Dialogues" help me?
As you respectfully invite all your parts into the conversation, each part begins to feel safer. The parts no longer feel that they have to take over and dominate in order to get their needs met. You are able to accomplish things with greater ease, because there is no longer so much turmoil and internal “resistance.” Clients report greater self-confidence and clarity as they are finally able to move forward in their lives and work more effectively and skillfully to manifest their dreams.